Gift Box Cafe Rico Taino Cookies and Brazo Gitano
On Sale $45.49
Puerto Rico Gift Box, Puerto Rican Gift Baskets

This Gift Box includes two Cafe Rico 14oz each, One Brazo Gitano from Mayaguez and Polvoron, Mantecadito, Coquito, Cucas and Grajea from Taino Cookies.
This special boxes will make life happier to all our loved ones outside of Puerto Rico. Choose from different types of Gift Boxes. In our boxes you will find a variety of products from Puerto Rico hard to find outside of the Island. All boxes are different and are made with products such as Puerto Rico Coffee, Typical Sweets, Brazo Gitano from Mayaguez, Pique Mi Madre, Artisan Marmalades a lot more products. Gift box #6 Cafe Rico from Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Gift Box, Puerto Rican Gift Baskets Puerto Rico